Ms excel-Using the Data menu in Microsoft Excel

sort (short): - In MS Excel the Sort option is used to arrange the data of a particular column in an ascending or descending order.

1. Ascending: - In this, data is sorted in A To Z order.

2. Descending: - In this, data is sorted in Z To A sequence.

Filter: - This option is used to find data. There are two sub-options inside it.

(1) Auto Filter
(2) Advance Filter

Auto filter - Using this option, Combo Box comes in all the Header Column. In which searching tools are found. Out of that, the user selects the search tool according to his needs
Advance Filter: - By this option, search the data from the list according to the condition and display it at another location. There are three types of Range used in it

. 1-List Range
  2- Criteria Range
  3- Output Range

(1) List Range : - This is the range. Records are searched from where.

(2) Criteria Range: - This is the range. Where condition is given According to this condition, data is filtered from the list range.

(3) Output Range: - This is the range. Where the output is displayed. Which are filtered by the list range according to the range criteria range. All those records are printed in this range

.Practically Approach:-

1. prepare a data list
2. copy header row
3 . Paste it twice at different location
a. first for criteria range
b. second for output range
4 set the condition in criteria range for filtering data
5 set the cell pointer at first cell of list range
6 select advanced filter option from filter them it display a dialog box tell criteria range ,output range and press OK button alter that you will see the filtered records in output range.

(1) Form(List Range): - This is the range. Records are searched from where.

(2) Criteria Range: - This is the range. Where condition is given According to this condition, data is filtered from the list range.

(3) Output Range: - This is the range. Where the output is displayed. Which are filtered by the list range according to the range criteria range. All those records are printed in this range.

 subtotal: - This option is used there. Where there are many records with one name. And it is related to financial activities. For example, many salesmen in a company have to sell many items in different places. So there is a need to extract the total and grand total of every salesman. For this, we first sort the record in ascending order. After that, select the list and click on this option.

 Validation: - By this option, the rules of work methodology are established inside the seat. Just like if we give salary of less than 5000 and 10000 to the employees of our company, then we want that if the salary column is less than 5000 and not more than 10000 from the Entry user, then we will put validation in the salary column. .

Table : - This option is used there. Where you want to know the financial results, such as taking a loan from the bank, in how many months, at what rate, how much instalment will have to be paid. For this, let's make a table and see
. Consolidation: - This option is used there. Where the total or average of the value of two or more Locations is to be derived.

 Pivot Table: - Summary report of data sheet is prepared by this option. In which one can get specific values ​​column & row wise total and grand total.
