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Top 20 search TOP LEVEL DOMAIN (TLD)

What is a domain? What is a TLD?

Think of your domain name as a street address. If people search for your domain, they’ll be able to find your website.
Every website on the internet has a unique IP address assigned to it, made up of a series of numbers. These numbers tell the domain name system (DNS) to locate the corresponding website. As we are humans and not computers, IP addresses are difficult to remember and so words are used instead. These words are known as the domain or URL. The DNS looks at the domain name and translates it into an IP address.
Top-level domains were introduced to help organize the locations in the domain name system. All domains include a top-level domain (TLD) and a second-level domain (SLD). Imagine you own a business in the USA. In ‘’, the TLD is .us and the SLD is yourbusiness’.


1- .com 
Renewal  $12.98

2- .net *
Renewal  $14.98

3- .org *
Renewal  $14.98

4- .dev *
Renewal  $16.98

5- .app *
Renewal  $16.98

6- .club *
Renewal  $12.88

7- .info *
Renewal  $13.88

8- .online *
Renewal  $19.88

9- .site *
Renewal  $16.88

10- .website *
Renewal  $9.88

11- .xyz *
Renewal  $12.88

12- .ac
Renewal  $2,680.18

13- .academy *
Renewal  $2,114.14

14- .accountant *
Renewal  $274.53

15- .accountants *
Renewal  $5,722.62

16- .actor *
Renewal  $2,538.67

17- .adult *
Renewal  $5,793.37

Renewal  $1,406.60

19- .africa *
Renewal  $1,335.84

20- .agency *
Renewal  $1,477.35
